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Thursday 14 April 2011

The New World Government

The NWO (New World Order) is not an original idea it was decided long ago what our futures would look like.
Over the last 15 years there has been many obstacles in the form of geopolitical wars all over our planet , most of these wars have been started by foreign nations that have no reason to fight other than for greed, power and fulfilling their own political agendas.
Many have fought and died for their country due to a patriotic duty and misplaced loyalty to their nations leadership, trusting soldiers and listening to lies and deception not knowing the full story of why they are fighting.  
These high powered men and women lead their armies into conflict under false pretense without any regard for human life, demanding outrageous contribution from taxes, towards these wars pushed onto general populous again backed by lies and deception.
The world economy has been taking a massive hit , every time these political tyrants start these selfish and cowardly acts of genocide - thats right I said it, Genocide. 
Everyday innocent people suffer from great tragedies such as loss of loved ones, friends and close colleagues. It doesn't really matter about the kind of relationship that we share with these people, as every relationship that we have with someone will always make some kind of impact in our lives and define who we are as a person.
So, What have we learned over the past 100 years, my answer to that is, not much really, as we keep making the same mistakes, we keep putting our trust in a system which keeps failing us , we keep giving away our liberties and freedoms without a fight. The little victories we have won over the years have been trivial compared to our overall civil freedoms, which should be our right.
What defines us as human beings is the ability to think and act for ourselves. This has fueled our civilization with science , religion and technology freedom of thought and speech.
Throughout history we have made good and bad decisions, some of these decisions have put us in the predicament we find ourselves in today. Scientists today have a lot to answer for , Nuclear Fusion should never have been used in the fashion it is today. If we really wanted a safe unlimited power we could have harnessed the most natural resource, the ocean. Look at the hydro electric systems throughout the world.
Currently, nuclear power comes from is big kid in the playground and as we all know, who ever has the most Nukes is the bully in the playground. Why cant the money spent on defense, be spent on creating life, not destroying it with all these brilliant minds. You would think we could put them to better use. 
Wars have been started against countries on the basis of becoming threats to us according to larger nations and government leaders, but why do we believe these leaders when the constantly lie , cheat and bankrupt our countries into debt that we don't fully understand.
This is not isolated to one country, we all have the same issue we have been lead by cowards down a dangerous path into a future of untold debt, a cesspool of confusion and still none of us understand why we keep giving fools power. 

The definitions of government;
Government - An organized entity that, in addition to having

governmental character, has sufficient discretion in the

management of its own affairs to distinguish it as separate 

from the administrative structure of any other governmental

unit. See also Population of Interest.

When are we going to take back our freedom, stop acting like

sheep and kick these dictators to the curb. I am sick and tired

of loosing sleep over how our government leaders are 

proposing, planing, creating and implementing laws, without

disclosing the full intention of the laws with the people of their

countries in which they govern.

I have a great strategy in mind, lets get all the world leaders in

one room including their government patsies and stick them in

a cage match with each other, give them as much ammo as

required and let them all fight out their differences. 

If that doesn't work lets see how they like the gas chamber

because they have all been found guilty of murder and 


People should rise up, wake up and be noticed, ask questions

and demand answers?

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